New development – greatly reduced operating and installation costs and fully digitized power plant control.
The All-Round Talent. Smart, secure plant control. Higher output and profitability despite compact design.
Best electrical and thermal efficiency in its class. All gas types: natural gas, biogas, mine gas, landfill gas, sewage gas.
High reliability. Low operating costs. Gas types: natural gas, landfill gas, sewage gas, mine gas, coke oven gas. Mainly used in large IPP projects with up to 100 MWel.
Eco-friendly MWM cogeneration power plants with combined heat and power enable decentralized, economical and energy-efficient power production.
Available for TCG 3016, TCG 3020 and TCG 2020 gas engines.
MWM offers customized system solutions in order to meet diverse customer requirements in the best way possible.
MWM offers comprehensive plant concepts: from gas treatment, through plant control systems, right down to cooling and steam decoupling.
Highest efficiency by leveraging heat from power production for regional district heating networks. Clean energy solutions through MWM gas engines.
Highly-efficient CHP plants: Energy efficiency in plant nurseries.
Reduced operating costs due to a highly efficient CHP, distributed generation or emergency standby power.
Flexibly manage base or peak loads with natural gas-fueled cogeneration power plants.
Maximization of fuel resources.
Use of methane for sustainable power production in distributed power plants.
Utilizing methane from wastewater treatment plants for electrical power production.
A highly efficient and profitable alternative for power generation.
Around the globe, MWM plants generate ecological and economic decentralized energy.
Higher efficiency through intensive research from the calculation to the inspection.
The production processes of MWM are characterized by high manufacturing quality and optimum benefits.
MWM stands for premium quality in all areas of the value chain.
For MWM, sustainability means long-term efficiency along with modest use of resources.
MWM gas engines and hydrogen: The way to climate-friendly energy production.
The MWM Service Portal ensures direct support and quick diagnosis around the clock.
The X-Change part replacement program is an economically attractive alternative to on-site maintenance.
MWM service is characterized by long-term, trusting cooperation for the purpose of fulfilling individual customer needs and ensuring the economic success of the plant.
Existing plants of the TCG 3016, 3020, and 2032 series can be upgraded with the MWM 25H2-Kit for operation with a hydrogen admixture of up to 25 vol%.
MWM SCR catalyst retrofit kit for gas engines: Ensure the efficiency of your plant!
Optimized operation of CHP plants with MWM Remote Asset Monitoring: improved availability, reduced operating and maintenance costs, maximum plant performance.
Here you can find other MWM service products for the maintenance of your gas engine and retrofitting of your CHP plant.
With its logistics center in Lorsch, Germany, MWM guarantees efficient and reliable global spare-part supply.
At the Mannheim training center, experienced trainers provide comprehensive, application-oriented expertise in the use of gensets and plants.
MWM plants to cover the base load may be small biogas gensets in Germany as well as large power plants in Asia or Africa.
Cogeneration and trigeneration with MWM gas engines or the use of power and heat or cold enables energy savings of up to 60 percent.
MWM gas engines efficiently convert various gas types to power, heat, and cold.
MWM CHP and power plants with gas engines ideally configured for sewage gas. Immediate readiness worldwide.
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