Russian EPC Contractor Valdex Energetica LLC Builds Power Plant with TCG 2032 V16 Gas Engine for Sukhonsky Cardboard and Paper Mill LLC
Schwaz, March 23, 2022
In August 2021, specialists from the Russian EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) contractor Valdex Energetica and MWM Austria successfully commissioned the first stage of the new energy center for the Sukhonsky Cardboard and Paper Mill LLC. Sukhonsky CPM LLC is part of CPM (Consolidated Paper Mills), a group of manufacturing enterprises and one of the largest Russian exporters of fluting paper and testliner cardboard. The company, which was founded in January 2003, has become the country’s leading manufacturer of wastepaper board. The company also produces hard fiberboard, bookbinding and box laminated cardboard, paper, and paper products.
General Contractor Valdex Energetica, a well-known expert in the field of decentralized power generation in Russia delivered the turnkey solution in Sokol, Vologda Region, within only 11 months after signing the contract to the go-live of the TCG 2032 V16 genset which reliably provides 4.3 MW of electrical power and 1.9 MW of thermal power. Heat recovery is carried out only from the engine jacket, the second stage of the project involves the installation of a steam generator in the genset exhaust system.
“In addition to being incredibly efficient, extremely economical, and reliable, MWM gensets stand out with their affordable pricing and meet all requirements of modern power plants”, says Denis Tsygikalo, Deputy CTO of Valdex Energetica LLC.

Power Plant Soon to Be Supplemented with Two Additional TCG 2032 V16 Gensets and Exhaust Gas Steam Generators
The systems that have gone live so far merely constitute the first stage of several expansions planned. The next phase will involve the installation of a steam generator with a capacity of 3.1 t/h and a saturated steam pressure of 12 bar. The steam generator is to run on the exhaust gas from the genset and will be integrated in the existing infrastructure. Thanks to combined heat and power (CHP) operation, the steam generator will be able to supply the nearby production with power and steam without any additional fuel consumption.
Two additional TCG 2032 V16 gensets are currently being manufactured by Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH and are to be installed and go live in the course of 2022. Once these stages have been commissioned, the power plant will deliver 12.9 MW of electricity, 5.7 MW of hot water, and approximately 9.3 t of saturated steam an hour. This will result in significant energy cost savings for the customer.

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