Munich Exhibition Grounds: Modernized Cogeneration Power Plant Achieves Higher Efficiency and Sustainability with MWM Gas Engine TCG 2020, Carbon Savings of about 630 t
Mannheim, 11.03.2019
Every year, hundreds of thousands of visitors frequent the ICM (International Congress Center Munich) on the Munich Exhibition Grounds. The heating center with the 14-t natural gas-fired cogeneration plant, which is located under the ICM, supplies the offices in the administration building with heat and power. For the modernization of the CHP (combined heat and power plant) that had gone live back in the 1990s, the Munich City Utilities had the old gas engine replaced with a new one of the same output category. Moreover, the noise and vibration insulation of the cogeneration power plant was enhanced in order to reliably comply with the maximum noise level of 35 dB(A). The modernized cogeneration power plant went live in late 2015.
Apart from the engine replacement for the cogeneration plant of the Munich Exhibition Grounds, the plant’s noise and vibration insulation has been modernized as well. © Munich Exhibition Grounds
Reduced Emissions, Higher Efficiency and Profitability
The MWM TCG 2020 V16 genset that was newly installed by the Munich City Utilities delivers more efficiency, while releasing fewer emissions. The more efficient engine technology enables carbon savings of about 630 t a year. Additionally, the unit offers improved plant profitability and longer maintenance intervals. The modernized cogeneration power plant yields 1.5 MW of electrical energy and more than 1.6 MW of heat energy.
The MWM gas engines of the TCG 2020 series stand out with their efficiency and sustainability. The installed TCG 2020 V16 power genset boasts an overall efficiency of 87 percent (45 percent thermal efficiency and 42 percent electrical efficiency). The low TCO and high profitability of the series meet the requirements of a broad application spectrum and ensure efficiency, reliability, flexibility, and environmental compatibility.
The newly installed MWM TCG 2020 V16 gensets delivers more efficiency, while releasing fewer emissions. Thus, carbon savings amount to some 630 t a year. © Munich City Utilities
Direct Feed-in into the Power Grid of Munich Exhibition Grounds and Flexible Base and Part-Load Operation Ensure High Efficiency of the CHP Plant
In addition to the base load of heat energy, the highly efficient MWM gas engine also provides power to the administration building and ICM. For this, it feeds in almost 100 percent of the co-generated power of the CHP plant into the power grid of the Munich Exhibition Grounds. When the heat demand drops, the cogeneration power plant can be throttled to 60 percent part-load operation. A heat storage unit ensures needs-oriented heat supply. Besides the natural gas-fired cogeneration power plant, the Munich exhibition grounds use PV systems and geothermal district heat.
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