MWM has rolled out projects of all sizes around the globe, installing small biogas gensets as well as power plants with an output of more than 50 MWel.
Bioenergie Fargau GmbH & Co. KG, Fargau/Plön, Germany
The plant achieves power production of 3.7 million kWh and a thermal output of 3 million kWh per year. The utilization of thermal energy is practically 100%.
Bioenergie Hack Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Wentorf
The biogas plant runs on a 50/50 mix of cattle manure from the farm’s dairy cows and corn grown on the fields. In addition to the TCG 3016, a smaller MWM genset with an output of 400 kWel is installed.
Bioenergie Oberspiesheim, Germany
The new cogeneration power plant working of the biogas plant in Oberspiesheim in the Nuremberg metropolitan area is equipped with an MWM TCG 2020 V12 gas engine and is working in flexible operation.
Biogas Park Altmark, Danpower Energy Service GmbH, Potsdam, Germany
Per year and plant, some 10,000 t of energy crops are used in the Biogas Park Altmark. These are supplied by farms from the region.
Biogas Plant “Timokhovo”, Russia
Commissioned in July 2021, the 10-MW biogas plant supplied to the Timokhovo landfill by Electrosystems Co. Ltd. generates electricity for the landfill and the local grid, while providing the heat required for the digestion process.
Biogas Plant Géotexia, France
The biogas plant in the Bretagne, France uses pork manure and industrial fats to produce around 700m3 of biogas per hour. The biogas is used in 2 containerized TCG 2016 V16 C.
Biogas Plant Saramzalino, North Macedonia
The biogas plant in Lozovo, North-Macedonia, with its two TCG 2020 V12 gas engines is able to supply approximately 4.000 households with electrical energy.
BIOgasfarm GmbH Projekt Löberitz, Germany
The biogas plant has an electrical output of 600 kW and is operated using farm slurry, farmyard manure and plant-derived biomass material in the form of maize silage.
Biplast, Lipetsk Region, Russia
The power plant with electric capacity of 1.6 MW is a unique project for a manufacturer of technological plastic.
Brandýsko power plant, Brandýs nad Labem, Czech Republic
TEDOM installed a packaged TCG 3016 V12 as part of a modernization program of the district heating system in the city of Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, Czech Republic.